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Skin Club Memberships at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics in 2024

Elevate Your Skin Health Routine Beyond Botox with Ashley McFarland Aesthetics Memberships

As we embrace the new year, it’s the perfect time to redefine our approach to beauty and self-care. At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we believe that true youthfulness radiates from consistent, personalized care, not just quick fixes. This year let’s move beyond Botox and explore comprehensive, nurturing routines that honor the beauty in taking care of ourselves. Discover our exclusive membership programs, each designed to celebrate and cater to your unique anti-aging journey.

These memberships aren’t just about pampering (though that’s a significant part!); they’re about committing to a journey of personal care, where consistency and customization leads to visible, lasting results. Let’s explore why a Skin Club Membership is a pivotal step towards achieving and maintaining the skin health you’ve always dreamed of.

Why Skin Club Memberships Matter

Consistency is Key: One of the fundamental principles of effective skincare is consistency. Regular, scheduled treatments ensure that your skin receives the care it needs to look its best, adapting to its changing needs throughout the year.

Tailored to You: Everyone’s skin is unique, with its own set of challenges and needs. Our memberships offer personalized care that addresses your specific skin concerns, ensuring treatments are as effective as they are enjoyable.

Beyond the Surface: Our approach goes beyond addressing surface-level concerns. We focus on the health of your skin, using treatments that not only improve its appearance but also its overall health and resilience.

Cost-Effective: By committing to a membership, you’re investing in your skin’s future. Memberships are designed to be more cost-effective than individual treatments, offering exclusive discounts and added benefits.

Expert Care at Your Fingertips: Our team of skincare professionals is dedicated to your journey. With regular appointments, you’ll build a relationship with experts who understand your skin and can guide you towards the best treatments and products.

The Power of Personalized Skincare Journeys

Each membership we offer at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics is a testament to our belief in personalized, consistent care. Whether you’re combating the signs of aging, seeking a radiant glow, tackling acne, or nurturing your hair, our memberships provide a structured, yet flexible path to achieving your goals. It’s not just about the immediate results after each treatment; it’s about the cumulative effect of regular, targeted care that makes a real difference.

How Our Memberships Work

Anti-Aging Membership: Timeless Beauty Unveiled

Price: $369/month

Embark on a journey of ageless elegance with our Anti-Aging Membership. This comprehensive package is your ally in defying time, offering:

  • PRP Microneedling & Precision Peels: Rediscover youthful skin with treatments that rejuvenate and repair.
  • Diverse Facial Treatments: Choose from Hydrafacial, Glo2facial, and Diamond Glow for tailored skin pampering.
  • Regular Dermaplane Treatments: Gently exfoliate and renew your skin each month.
  • Exclusive Skincare Discounts: 15% off all year to support your skincare regimen.
  • Exclusive Laser & Microneedling Discounts: Fraxel, Advalight laser and Vivace at a discounted rate by being a member.

Glow Up Membership: Consistent Care for Radiant Skin

Price: $109/month

Consistency is key in skincare, and our Glow Up Membership ensures your skin is always at its best. This plan includes:

  • Monthly Facial: Receive an express Dermaplane facial once a month.
  • LED Light Therapy & Masks: Enhance your glow with these modern skincare marvels.
  • 15% Off Skincare Products: Continue your care at home with premium products.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Want to upgrade? You’ll receive discount upgrade options for Microneedling, Chemical Peels, Laser treatments and more.

Acne Membership: Clear Skin Journey

Price: $125/month

Address acne with a focused, consistent approach. Our Acne Membership is designed to provide ongoing support and treatments:

  • Targeted Facial Treatments: Deep cleansing facials with extractions to maintain clear skin.
  • Chemical Peels & LED Therapy: Combat acne scars and promote healing.
  • Year-Round Skincare Discounts: Keep your regime strong with 15% off our skincare range.

Hair Club Membership: Luxurious Locks All Year Round

Price: $399/month

Your hair deserves as much attention as your skin. Our Hair Club Membership offers:

  • Bi-Monthly Hair Restoration Injections: Strengthen and rejuvenate your hair growth with PRP injections.
  • Complete Hair Care Kit: Including Nutrafol vitamins and premium hair products for holistic care for one year.

We’ll leave you with this…

In 2024, let’s redefine our approach to beauty and wellness. Ashley McFarland Aesthetics is more than just a skincare provider; we are your partners in a journey towards lasting beauty and skin health. Our Skin Club Memberships are your gateway to this journey, offering a sustainable, effective, and personalized way to take care of your skin and hair throughout the year.

Begin your journey to impeccable skin and hair health. Reach out to us at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. 

Introducing: VI Body Peel

Your new go-to solution for removing sun damage

Hello, AMA Family!

At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, where your skin’s health is our top priority, we’re thrilled to unveil a revolutionary service that promises to rejuvenate and transform your skin like never before. Say goodbye to sun damage and hello to radiant skin with our latest offering – the VI Body Peel!

We understand that while the warmth of the sun’s rays can be comforting, the damage it leaves behind on our skin is anything but. From stubborn sunspots to uneven skin tones, the evidence of prolonged exposure can leave many of us feeling self-conscious about our body’s skin. That’s precisely why we’re so ecstatic to present a solution that addresses these concerns for those who do not desire laser treatments – a game-changer in the realm of skincare.

What is the VI Body Peel?

VI Body Peel is the newest star in the aesthetic sky, specially formulated to tackle the extensive areas of your body that have been touched by sun damage. It’s a unique, painless treatment that targets sunspots and age-related skin changes, effectively removing the layers of skin that hold most of the damage. This means that the fresh, untouched layer underneath can finally shine through, giving you a smoother, more even, and youthful appearance.

Why Are We Excited About It?

  1. No Lasers? No Problem! – While laser treatments have their merits, we understand that they’re not for everyone. With the VI Body Peel, we offer an alternative that’s just as effective, with a series of treatments, in removing the tell-tale signs of sun damage.
  2. Painless Process – We believe that beauty should not be painful. The VI Body Peel process is gentle and non-invasive, meaning you get to enjoy the benefits of revitalized skin without the ouch factor!
  3. Quick and Convenient – In today’s fast-paced world, who has time for lengthy treatments? The VI Body Peel is a quick process, easily fitting into your busy schedule, and performed right here at AMA by our trained professionals.
  4. Minimal Downtime – We all have lives to lead and can’t afford to be out of commission for long. The VI Body Peel comes with minimal downtime, so you can get back to your daily routine in no time.

How Does It Work?

The peel is expertly applied to the affected areas, and the magic begins as it penetrates the layers of your skin. Over the following days, the top layers of your skin, where damage and pigment reside, will gently peel away. This process reveals the fresher, less damaged skin beneath. It’s a rebirth for your skin – gentle yet effective.

What Can You Expect?

After the treatment, your skin may feel tighter and appear slightly redder for a short period – a sign that the peel is working its charm. Over the next week, peeling will occur, and this is when the transformation takes place. After the peeling process, you’ll be left with skin that’s more even in tone, texture, and noticeably less burdened by the signs of sun damage.

Who Can Benefit from the VI Body Peel?

Anyone looking to reverse the effects of sun damage can benefit from the VI Body Peel. Whether you have sunspots on your shoulders, discoloration on your décolletage, or uneven skin tone on your legs, this treatment can help you regain confidence in your skin’s appearance.

Join the Skin Revolution

At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, your skin’s journey is our passion. We’re dedicated to providing innovative treatments that deliver real results, and the VI Body Peel is no exception. We invite you to experience this exciting new service and embrace the confidence that comes with healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

Don’t let the sun have the final say on your skin’s story. Book your appointment today and take the first step toward reclaiming the natural beauty of your skin – without the marks of time and tan lines!

Here’s to fresh beginnings and flawless skin.

– The AMA Team

The Magic Behind Koji Glow Pads: The Powerhouse Glow Product of Ashley McFarland Aesthetics

The world of skincare is constantly evolving, with new and innovative solutions emerging to address every conceivable skin concern. Leading the charge in this exciting realm is Ashley McFarland Aesthetics with its curated skincare line – the AM Skin Collection. One of the star products from this collection that has beauty enthusiasts buzzing is the Koji Glow Pads. Today, we delve into what makes these pads a must-have in every skincare arsenal.

The Power of Enzyme-Activated Arbutin

The core of the Koji Glow Pads’ effectiveness lies in its use of enzyme activated Arbutin. Arbutin, a naturally derived substance found in several plants, has been lauded for its ability to inhibit melanin production, making it a potent agent for skin brightening. However, in its enzyme-activated form, its potential is heightened, ensuring that you get the brightest, most radiant skin.

Synergistic Ingredients

But it’s not just the Arbutin that’s doing all the work. The Koji Glow Pads are a symphony of well-chosen ingredients that work in harmony:

  • Salicylic Acid: A well-known beta hydroxy acid, salicylic acid helps to enhance the penetration of other ingredients, ensuring that every pad’s goodness sinks deep into the skin. Additionally, it aids in exfoliating the skin, keeping it free from blemishes.
  • Kojic and Ascorbic Acids: These acids pack a powerful antioxidant punch. While Kojic acid is famed for its ability to combat hyperpigmentation, Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) fights against free radicals, ensuring your skin remains youthful and protected from environmental aggressors.

Freshness Matters

One of the standout features of the Koji Glow Pads is the promise of potency. Each pad is compounded freshly upon dispensing, ensuring that the actives are at their most effective when they touch your skin.

Usage and Storage

For optimal results, it’s recommended to use the Koji Glow Pads every night or every other night. To ensure that the pads retain their efficacy, always store them in a cool, dry place.

Koji Glow Pads are an embodiment of Ashley McFarland Aesthetics’ dedication to delivering exceptional skincare solutions. Incorporate them into your nightly routine and watch your skin transform with a radiant glow.

The Perfect Time for Fraxel: The Ashley McFarland Aesthetics Guide

Fraxel treatments have been a buzzword in the aesthetic industry for quite some time now, and with good reason. This non-invasive laser procedure promises to target the very layers of our skin that cause aging, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. However, as with all things concerning our skin, timing and preparation are key.

Welcome to the Ashley McFarland Aesthetics guide on why this is the perfect season for a Fraxel treatment and how the AM Skin Collection will ensure your skin is in tip-top condition for it.

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Fraxel

The cooling temperatures of the season make it ideal for laser treatments. Sun exposure is one of the major factors that can affect the results of Fraxel, leading to potential complications and reduced efficacy. During this period, with shorter days and longer nights, you’ll likely spend less time under the harsh sun, making it the best time for recovery.

Understanding Fraxel: A Skin Revolution

Fraxel is a fractionated laser treatment that works on both the surface and deeper layers of the skin, promoting rapid cellular turnover and collagen production. Unlike other laser treatments that target the entire skin surface, Fraxel focuses on microscopic columns of skin, leaving surrounding areas untouched. This approach not only allows for quicker healing but also ensures a more targeted treatment.

The Fraxel Effect: From Deep Within

  1. Collagen Boost: One of the primary functions of Fraxel is its ability to stimulate collagen production. Collagen, a protein found abundantly in our youth, diminishes with age, leading to sagging skin and the formation of wrinkles. Fraxel, by promoting collagen synthesis, helps in restoring skin’s elasticity and firmness, giving it a more youthful appearance.
  2. Targeting Sun Damage and Pigmentation: Years of sun exposure can leave our skin with sunspots, uneven tone, and other pigmentation issues. Fraxel is exceptionally adept at targeting and treating these irregularities, giving you a clearer and brighter complexion.
  3. Refining Texture: Fraxel isn’t just about the deeper layers; it’s equally effective on the surface. Those struggling with rough texture, enlarged pores, or superficial scars can expect a smoother, more refined skin texture post-treatment.
  4. Addressing Deep-Set Wrinkles: While surface-level fine lines might be easier to tackle, deep-set wrinkles require a more potent approach. Fraxel, with its penetrative capabilities, can reach these deeper layers, softening even the most stubborn of wrinkles.

Pre-Treatment: Setting the Stage with Skincare

Before diving into any aggressive skin treatment, preparation is paramount. Think of your skin as a canvas – the smoother and more primed it is, the better the end result.

This is where the AM Skin Collection comes in. Founded by Ashley McFarland, this line was meticulously crafted to ensure that your skin receives optimal nourishment and care, especially in preparation for something as transformative as Fraxel.

1. Koji Glow Pads: The star product in our collection, these pads are infused with Kojic acid, which works wonders for brightening the skin, reducing dark spots, and providing an even skin tone. Using this in the weeks leading up to your Fraxel treatment can help ensure that the laser works on a skin that’s already radiant and even.

2. Silk Serum: Packed with a cocktail of hydration and skin-loving ingredients, this serum ensures your skin remains plump, reducing the appearance of fine lines. Its silky texture also ensures optimal hydration, a must before undergoing Fraxel.

3. Night Magic: As the name suggests, let this serum work its magic overnight. It aids in skin regeneration, ensuring that your skin’s natural repair mechanisms are functioning at their best.

4. Get Glowing Serums: For that extra boost of Vitamin C, the Get Glowing serum promises just what its name suggests. Perfect for ensuring your skin is in its best state.

Aftercare and Beyond

Once you’ve undergone your Fraxel treatment, the AM Skin Collection continues to be your ally. Ensuring that your skin remains hydrated and nourished post-treatment can significantly impact the final results, making our range an ideal choice for both pre and post-treatment care.

If you’ve been contemplating Fraxel now truly is the golden window, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Prepping Your Skin For The Fall

You’ve had your fun this Summer, now kick your skin into gear for the Fall.

As the vibrant hues of summer gradually give way to the golden embrace of fall, our skin goes through a subtle transformation too. Just as the leaves change, our skin’s needs also shift, making it the perfect time to indulge in more intensive treatments that will leave you glowing and rejuvenated. At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we believe that the fall season is a prime opportunity to revitalize your skin and prepare it for the upcoming months. Let’s delve into the transformative powers of Fraxel Laser treatments and a range of Chemical Peels that will have you embracing fall with radiance.

Fraxel Laser with PRP

Fall is a fantastic season to explore more advanced treatments, and at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we’ve got just the solution – Fraxel Laser with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This dynamic duo works wonders for addressing a myriad of concerns including fine lines, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. As summer comes to a close, our skin can benefit immensely from the rejuvenating power of this treatment.

The Fraxel Laser stimulates collagen production and targets damaged skin cells, helping to reveal fresh skin underneath. Paired with Platelet-Rich Plasma, which harnesses the healing properties of your body’s own platelets, the treatment becomes even more potent. We’re proud to offer Fraxel Laser with PRP not only for the face but also for the neck, chest, and hands – areas that are often overlooked but equally deserving of some fall pampering.

Chemical Peels

Transitioning into fall is all about shedding the old to make way for the new – and what better way to do that than with a Chemical Peel? Our arsenal of ZO 3 Step Peel, VI Precision Plus Peel, Vitalize Peel, and Illuminize Peel provides a comprehensive range of options to suit your unique skin requirements.

The ZO 3 Step Peel, curated by renowned dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, is a powerhouse treatment that exfoliates, brightens, and renews your skin. For those seeking to combat hyperpigmentation, the VI Precision Plus Peel delivers impressive results. It addresses sunspots, acne scars, and age-related spots, unveiling a more even complexion beneath.

The Vitalize Peel strikes the perfect balance – it’s gentle enough for minimal downtime while effectively reducing the signs of aging and enhancing your skin’s texture. If you’re looking to refresh your appearance with little to no downtime, the Illuminize Peel offers a subtle yet noticeable glow.

Fall in Love with Your Skin Transformation

As the temperatures cool and the air becomes crisper, take this opportunity to embark on a skin transformation journey with Ashley McFarland Aesthetics. Our tailored Fraxel Laser with PRP treatments and an array of Chemical Peels will renew your skin’s vitality, revealing a canvas that’s ready to embrace the enchanting season of fall.

Whether you’re looking to address specific concerns or simply want to pamper yourself after a long summer, our team of skilled professionals is here to guide you. Book a consultation today and let’s work together to prep your skin for fall, ensuring that you radiate confidence and beauty throughout the season and beyond.

4 Things to Know About Lasers

Tricia, our laser technician using the Fraxel Laser.

We strive to make the beauty and science of skincare understandable and accessible for everyone. Whether you’re considering a Fraxel laser treatment or exploring the range of solutions offered by our Advalight laser, we’re here to ensure you have the information you need to make the best decision for your skin! 

1. Understanding the Different Types of Lasers

The first step to navigating laser skin treatments is understanding the variety of lasers and their specific applications. The Fraxel laser, known for its effectiveness in treating wrinkles, fine lines, skin pigmentation, and acne scars, is a type of fractional laser that stimulates your skin’s natural healing process to promote the production of new, healthy skin cells.

Our Advalight laser system provides a range of targeted treatments. AM Red Clear focuses on treating vascular issues like capillaries and rosacea. AM Acne Clear targets the bacteria causing acne, reducing inflammation and redness, and AM Glow uses light energy to rejuvenate your skin and boost collagen production, leaving you with a youthful, radiant appearance.

2. What to Expect During Treatment

Each type of laser treatment that we offer has a unique experience. While Fraxel treatments might require a few days of downtime due to the healing process, Advalight treatments come with little to no downtime at all. In order to achieve the best results, multiple sessions of the Advalight laser are most likely needed. At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we’ll guide you through what to expect from your specific treatment plan!

3. Preparing for Your Laser Treatment

Regardless of the type of laser treatment you choose, preparing your skin is crucial. This typically involves avoiding sun exposure, tanning, and certain skincare products. We will provide you with a tailored skincare regimen to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition before your treatment. It’s so important to prep to get the best results from these amazing lasers! 

4. Post-Treatment Care Matters

After your laser treatment, following the proper aftercare instructions is key to achieving optimal results and preventing complications. This involves avoiding sun exposure, applying prescribed creams or lotions, and keeping the treated area clean and moisturized. Our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific treatment.

At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we are so proud to offer both Fraxel and Advalight laser treatments! With these powerful tools, we’re able to address a wide range of skin concerns, ensuring you get the best possible results. 

If you have more questions or want to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. We’re here to guide you on your journey to better skin!

Get to Know Our Night Magic Serum with Retinoids

Our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum, created by our founder – Ashley McFarland. Incorporating a product like our Night Magic Serum with Retinoids into your routine can help support these natural processes, ensuring that your skin stays radiant, resilient, and youthful.

Picture this: you wake up, run your fingers over your face, and feel a surface that is smooth, supple, and bouncy. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? For many, this dream can become reality with the magic of retinoids, a true powerhouse in the realm of skincare. Retinoids are not only acclaimed for their skin-transforming benefits, but they are also the star ingredient in our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum with Retinoids. Ready to transform your skin? Let’s start your journey to glowing, healthy skin with the magic of retinoids.

Demystifying Retinoids

Retinoids, derived from vitamin A, have stood the test of time in the world of dermatology and skincare, holding their own amongst an ever-evolving roster of ingredients. But what exactly are retinoids and why are they so impactful?

Retinoids are potent compounds that promote cell turnover and collagen production. In essence, they help your skin shed dead cells more efficiently and replace them with fresh, new cells. This promotes a smoother skin surface, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and can even help combat acne. Retinoids also help boost collagen, a protein that provides structural support to your skin. This leaves you with skin that’s not just glowing, but also firmer and more resilient.

How Do Retinoids Work?

Retinoids work on a deep, cellular level. They essentially “communicate” with your skin cells, sending signals to accelerate the growth of new cells while eliminating the old ones. Additionally, retinoids also hinder the breakdown of collagen, which is often responsible for the onset of visible aging signs. By ensuring the health and vitality of your skin’s cells and supporting collagen integrity, retinoids help keep your skin youthful and vibrant.

Why Try the AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum?

If you’re ready to give retinoids a try, there’s no better way to start than with our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum. It’s a meticulously formulated serum that harnesses the power of retinoids, combined with other essential ingredients, to optimize their skin-rejuvenating benefits.

Our Night Magic Serum includes a retinoid that is gentle yet effective, making it suitable for those who are just starting to incorporate this powerful ingredient into their routine. We understand that every skin type is unique, and while retinoids have an array of benefits, they can also be potent. That’s why our Night Magic Serum includes calming and moisturizing ingredients to soothe and hydrate your skin.

The magic doesn’t stop there. Our serum also boasts antioxidants, which provide an additional layer of defense against environmental aggressors that contribute to aging. This synergistic blend of ingredients creates a powerful, yet balanced, formula that caters to a broad spectrum of skin types and concerns.

Taking Your Skin Health Seriously with the Night Magic Serum

Your skin is a living, breathing organ, and like the rest of your body, it deserves care and attention. As you age, your natural cell turnover and collagen production slow down. Incorporating a product like our Night Magic Serum into your routine can help support these natural processes, ensuring that your skin stays radiant, resilient, and youthful.

Remember, the path to healthy skin isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon. Consistency is key when using retinoids. Over time, you’ll start to see a visible transformation in your skin’s texture, tone, and overall health.

Experience the magic of retinoids and our Night Magic Serum today and embark on your journey towards a more confident and glowing you. After all, there’s nothing more magical than feeling comfortable and beautiful in your own skin.

The Beauty of Fillers: Why They’re Amazing

In the ever-evolving world of aesthetics, a gamut of rejuvenating treatments promises to rewind time and restore youthful radiance. But today, we’re going to spotlight one that’s truly made its mark: dermal fillers.

Yes, fillers have been the talk of the town, the belle of the ball, the pièce de résistance in countless skincare regimes, and for good reason. They’re versatile, they’re effective, and they might just be your skin’s next best friend. Here’s why fillers are amazing.

1. Instant Gratification

One of the most thrilling aspects of fillers is the immediacy of results. You can walk into a clinic with sagging skin or thin lips and walk out an hour later with the plump, youthful look you’ve been yearning for. There’s no waiting game, no ‘patience is a virtue’ — just instant gratification.

2. Versatility Galore

Whether it’s plumping thin lips, softening facial creases, improving the appearance of recessed scars, or even enhancing shallow contours, fillers can do it all. The versatility of fillers is truly astounding, making them a favorite go-to solution for numerous aesthetic concerns.

3. Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive

A major concern for many when it comes to cosmetic treatments is the prospect of surgery. Fortunately, fillers are non-surgical and minimally invasive, requiring only a few strategic injections to deliver remarkable results. That means less downtime, less risk, and less worry.

4. Gradual and Controlled Improvement

While some aesthetic procedures can lead to drastic changes, fillers offer the ability to make gradual improvements over time. You have complete control over the volume of filler used, enabling you to better manage your transformation. This helps to ensure that the results are natural-looking, and you remain recognizably you.

5. Long-Lasting, But Not Permanent

The effects of fillers can last anywhere from six months to over a year, depending on the type used and the area treated. While this longevity is certainly a plus, what’s even more appealing is that fillers are not permanent. If you’re unhappy with the results, or you simply want to change your look, your body will naturally break down and absorb the filler over time. Or we can use Hylenex to the filler, and immediately dissolve the filler.

6. Confidence Boost

Perhaps the most invaluable benefit of fillers is the confidence boost they can provide. When you look in the mirror and see a version of yourself that feels fresh, youthful, and vibrant, it can dramatically improve your self-esteem. After all, when you look good, you feel good, and there’s nothing quite like the radiant glow of self-confidence.

One Last Word…

The magic of fillers lies in their ability to offer immediate and versatile enhancement with minimal intervention. It’s a testament to the wonders of modern cosmetic science, and here at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we’re thrilled to see how they continue to revolutionize the aesthetics industry.

Until next time, keep glowing!

Which ZO Skin Health System is right for you?

The Low Down

We know that starting a skin care routine can be overwhelming! Our goal at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics is to make skin care simple by targeting specific skin concerns and addressing them. The first step to having healthy, glowing skin using quality, medical grade products at home. By doing such, you are able to enhance your in-office procedures and protect your most important investment – your skin!

With that being said, it is safe to say that our office loves ZO Skin Health products! One of the many great qualities of ZO Skin Health is there is a skin care system to address almost all skin concerns and problems. Each system can be customized to patient specific needs and achieve results quickly and affordably!

ZO’s Daily Skin Care Program

image of ZO Skin Health Daily Skin Care Program

A must-have for ANY skin type. Included in the program are the Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads and Daily Power Defense.  

Benefits include: 

+ Helping to preserve and maintain a more youthful- looking complexion

+ Improves and maintain the appearance of even skin tone and finer pores

+  Keeps skin hydrated

Especially Ideal for: Any skin type/condition

This is the foundation of ALL ZO Skin Health Systems as preventative or treatment. 

ZO’s Anti-aging Program

image of ZO Skin Health Anti Aging program

The perfect way to start taking care of aging skin. Whether 25 or 75, you can benefit from the products within this program. The products included are Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads, Daily Power Defense and Growth Factor Serum.

Benefits include:

+ Helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

+ Promote a more even-looking skin tone and finer pore appearance

+ Preserves and maintains a more youthful-looking complexion

Especially Ideal for: Premature or active signs of aging. 

ZO’s Skin Normalizing System

image of ZO skin health skin normalizing system

The ZO Skin Normalizing System is a complete selection of products for red, sensitized skin. This is a system fabulous for active rosacea or those whose skin is reactive and inflamed. This system features Rozatrol, a multi-modal treatment that relieves the visible symptoms known to be associated with rosacea. Products included in this kit include a Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Oil Control Pads, Daily Power Defense and Rozatrol. 

Benefits include:

+ Helps to restore skin to a more radiant appearance

+ Provides mild exfoliation to help smooth skin texture and even skin tone

+ Minimizes the appearance and feel of inflammation

+ Helps replenish hydration and supports a healthy skin barrier function

Especially Ideal for: Sensitive skin, red skin and Rosacea.

ZO’s Brightening Program

Image of ZO skin Health brightening program

The perfect system for those with sensitive skin that suffer from dark spots, dull skin or premature aging. This multi-product, skin therapy system helps aid in visible treatment of hyperpigmentation without the use of hydroquinone and retinol. Included are Zo’s Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, Daily Power Defense and Brightalive.

Benefits include:

+ Improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation when hydroquinone treatment is completed or contraindicated, or as maintenance

+ Ideal for non-specific visible discoloration (freckles or uneven tone)

+ For use when skin brightening is desired

+ Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Especially Ideal for: Skin with sunspots, dull skin, aging skin.

ZO’s Pigment Control Program

image of zo skin health pigment control program

An all-encompassing system formulated to help treat hyperpigmentation, severe texture damage, sun damage and general skin health restoration.

Included in this program are ZO’s Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, Daily Power Defense, Pigment Control Crème, as well as Pigment Control + Blending Crème. 

Benefits Include:

+ Treats moderate to severe hyperpigmentation, especially melasma

+ Treats severely dry, dull, rough and leathery textured skin to help restore a smooth, healthy glow

+ Great to use as pre/post procedure skin conditioning to help maintain results longer

+ Helps improve overall appearance and quality of skin

Especially Ideal for: Textured skin, sun damaged skin, melasma.

ZO’s Complexion Clearing Program

image of zo skin health complexion clearing program

Suffering from oily skin? Stubborn acne? Look no further than ZO’s Complexion Clearing Program. This is a comprehensive program designed to minimize excess surface oil, unclog and purify pores and reduces the appearance of irritated skin, eliminating current and preventing future breakouts.

Included in this program are ZO’s Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, and Complexion Clearing Masque. 

Benefits Include:

+ Reduces excess surface sebum

+ Exfoliates skin cells to help unclog pores

+ Tightens pores

Especially Ideal for: Oily and acne prone skin. 

Think you have decided which ZO Skin Health system is perfect for you? Contact us to get yours today!