4 Things to Know About Lasers - Ashley McFarland


4 Things to Know About Lasers

Tricia, our laser technician using the Fraxel Laser.

We strive to make the beauty and science of skincare understandable and accessible for everyone. Whether you’re considering a Fraxel laser treatment or exploring the range of solutions offered by our Advalight laser, we’re here to ensure you have the information you need to make the best decision for your skin! 

1. Understanding the Different Types of Lasers

The first step to navigating laser skin treatments is understanding the variety of lasers and their specific applications. The Fraxel laser, known for its effectiveness in treating wrinkles, fine lines, skin pigmentation, and acne scars, is a type of fractional laser that stimulates your skin’s natural healing process to promote the production of new, healthy skin cells.

Our Advalight laser system provides a range of targeted treatments. AM Red Clear focuses on treating vascular issues like capillaries and rosacea. AM Acne Clear targets the bacteria causing acne, reducing inflammation and redness, and AM Glow uses light energy to rejuvenate your skin and boost collagen production, leaving you with a youthful, radiant appearance.

2. What to Expect During Treatment

Each type of laser treatment that we offer has a unique experience. While Fraxel treatments might require a few days of downtime due to the healing process, Advalight treatments come with little to no downtime at all. In order to achieve the best results, multiple sessions of the Advalight laser are most likely needed. At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we’ll guide you through what to expect from your specific treatment plan!

3. Preparing for Your Laser Treatment

Regardless of the type of laser treatment you choose, preparing your skin is crucial. This typically involves avoiding sun exposure, tanning, and certain skincare products. We will provide you with a tailored skincare regimen to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition before your treatment. It’s so important to prep to get the best results from these amazing lasers! 

4. Post-Treatment Care Matters

After your laser treatment, following the proper aftercare instructions is key to achieving optimal results and preventing complications. This involves avoiding sun exposure, applying prescribed creams or lotions, and keeping the treated area clean and moisturized. Our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific treatment.

At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we are so proud to offer both Fraxel and Advalight laser treatments! With these powerful tools, we’re able to address a wide range of skin concerns, ensuring you get the best possible results. 

If you have more questions or want to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. We’re here to guide you on your journey to better skin!